Maca Benefits for Men: This Root Will Make a Big Difference For You

A bowl of powdered maca root with whole maca roots and baked goods in the background showcases the maca benefits for men.

Though the Peruvian herb does have health benefits for women, Maca benefits for men are more commonly known due to the marketing efforts of those who sell it. But, often, these claims are just made to sell—and so, what exactly are the benefits of Maca that have been proven by science?

Hormone Health Test: How To Tell If You Have a Hormone Deficiency

A doctor pointing upwards with the words "Hormone Health Test" displayed prominently.

​A hormone health test can give you an idea whether your hormone levels are ideal or not. Hormones are responsible for the majority of our body functions such as hunger, reproduction, as well as mood. ​Aiming for balance isn’t just about hitting the perfect numbers. When you know the implications of your hormone levels, it will be easier to remember that you have to be more mindful of your body and take better care of yourself.

Hormone Imbalance in Men: How You Can Fix It For Good

A muscular man with a lantern in hand exhibits the effects of hormone imbalance in men.

Hormone imbalance in men is one of the most common health problems ​faced by men today, yet it is often not diagnosed or is simply an undiagnosed side effect of some other health condition. In this article we show you how to fix issues such a low testosterone for good!

Alcohol and Testosterone: The Crucial Truth You Need to Know

A man examining a glass of whiskey, his testosterone heightened in the atmosphere of the dimly lit bar.

Alcohol moderation is always a hot topic in health and wellness circles. Although it can be toxic to the body when irresponsibly consumed, it is usually a part of the most common way in which people socialize. However, one topic that is not that often discussed is how drinking can affect the body’s hormonal balance. So, since we specialize in getting optimal hormonal balance and testosterone levels, we figured that it’s high time we talk about alcohol and testosterone.

Increase Free Testosterone: 6 Secret Supplements That Actually Work

A muscular individual lifting weights in a gym to increase free testosterone.

Reaping the benefits of testosterone isn’t as simple as boosting your production of the male hormone. You’ll have to ensure that you get to increase free testosterone as well. How do you do that? It can be as simple as taking supplements that lower the amount of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), or at least prevent the glycoprotein from keeping testosterone hostage.