Butea Superba Root: Increasing DHT With Thailand’s Red Kwao Krua Dang

Vibrant orange Butea superba blossoms flourishing on a branch against a pale sky.

Butea Superba, is a plant that has been extensively used to help treat side effects of aging in males. It offers a cheap fix to many of the most common problems such as lack of energy, erectile dysfunction, and poor sex drive.

24 Best Hair Thickening Shampoos for Men: We Review Everything On The Market!

A man holding his head with thick hair.

Is your hair thinning out? Don’t worry, the best hair thickening shampoo for men is on hand. First things first, if you are going a bit thin up top remember you are not alone. Nearly 70% of men will suffer from Androgenic Alopecia (also known as male pattern baldness) in their lifetime.